a theory of human brain function

Most of the humans out there the 8 billion are not likely to be homo sapiens but some primitive version of homo sapiens they are just hominids of some kind only Cro-Magnon is human

The human animal is the supreme bottleneck animal that is why we are so powerful I may soon be interviewing the Chancellor of UCSF

Just mentioned on Twitter that Mr Elon Musk is "unschooling" his children because of me, my theories and my influence this is not surprising because I now effectively rule the world

Suppressing seizures that the brain is initiating is effectively suppressing the brain's efforts to reconstruct the network so that cognition and other brain functions are sufficiently impressive

Epilepsy is not a disease or disorder it is the brain's effort to achieve a proper configuration so it is a reconfiguration of the network and it probably is an emergency measure

April 2016 I redefined what epilepsy is and I called up Robert Fisher MD PhD at Stanford Medical School and he agreed I was probably right....he was stunned

IQ or the intelligence quotient is very important that is the foundation of brain performance but we also know that the human mammal brain develops itself and can reach very impressive heights

Once "schooling" is abandoned and it will be perhaps even pretty soon then things will really take off human productivity will dramatically increase though it may take 10-20 years to be seen

It always amused me that "schooling" was considered imperative to develop a child's brain

I recently learned that the Vice Chancellor of UCSF Dan Lowenstein MD resigned because of my influence he is a neurologist and specialist in epilepsy

"The Jew triumphs with lies and dies with the truth" Hans-Georg Otto ..... this is incredible so powerfully true

Repeat: the scamming and bullshit is all Ashkenazi and it is just appalling the USA has Ashkenazi science indeed neuroscience is mostly nonsense and pretense

The "Scientific Advisory Board" of the Epilepsy Foundation all resigned because of my influence and power they know I am right that epilepsy is not a disease or disorder

It is time to completely reform "scientific research" in the medical sciences and neuroscience I have no intention of letting things stay as they are most research is totally retarded and useless

It is astonishing how stupid WASP America was when they allowed millions of Jews to immigrate to the USA [1880-1920] the result is the USA is a criminal state no science no journalism

The sleep function develops the brain and during development the human brain requires a much higher number of hours in sleep function

If those hours in development are insufficient then there will be a risk of serious brain dysfunction certainly inefficient or poor cognition

In human brain development so much "downtime" is required that the play function augments the sleep function

There is little cognition in the developing brain so "instruction" or schooling is damaging to the brain because the play function is suppressed

Imbeciles and criminals run our society, Western society, but it is inevitable that knowledge and science will conquer the world

The Neuroscience of the Human Brain

May 01, 2022

It was about 30 years ago that I realized there was reason to believe that what I call the "sleep function" is augmented by the "play function." It was a few years ago that I talked to Mr Khalid Mahmood about it, and there is a recently conducted interview with him in which I explain the basic theory [published here at bottleneckanimal.com on 9 February 2022]. He is a Pakistani-born man in Oldham, United Kingdom. Because I was doing a lot of work on the Arab and Muslim world he was interested in World Affairs Monthly. He came to me on the net sometime in 2003, so about 20 years ago. He became effectively my research assistant, insofar as he supplied me with information almost on a 24/7 basis. He is disabled, and in a wheelchair, so he was at the net almost all the time, he knows almost everything on the net. I urged him to do something on his own, so he now does restoringthemind.com. 

I mention him because his brain is certainly unusual. Very very unusual. He is perceptive and he understands almost everything I say, which is interesting and rare. Anyway, I explain my original brain science to him in this interview there. I did mispeak near the end when I mentioned that Alexander Fleming did his thing before World War I. I meant to say World War II. I sometimes do that. 

Below is an image which offers an outline, a very concise and powerful one, of my brain science. This is how I believe the human brain functions, and indeed it may to some degree also describe mammal brain function as well.