a theory of human brain function

Most of the humans out there the 8 billion are not likely to be homo sapiens but some primitive version of homo sapiens they are just hominids of some kind only Cro-Magnon is human

The human animal is the supreme bottleneck animal that is why we are so powerful I may soon be interviewing the Chancellor of UCSF

Just mentioned on Twitter that Mr Elon Musk is "unschooling" his children because of me, my theories and my influence this is not surprising because I now effectively rule the world

Suppressing seizures that the brain is initiating is effectively suppressing the brain's efforts to reconstruct the network so that cognition and other brain functions are sufficiently impressive

Epilepsy is not a disease or disorder it is the brain's effort to achieve a proper configuration so it is a reconfiguration of the network and it probably is an emergency measure

April 2016 I redefined what epilepsy is and I called up Robert Fisher MD PhD at Stanford Medical School and he agreed I was probably right....he was stunned

IQ or the intelligence quotient is very important that is the foundation of brain performance but we also know that the human mammal brain develops itself and can reach very impressive heights

Once "schooling" is abandoned and it will be perhaps even pretty soon then things will really take off human productivity will dramatically increase though it may take 10-20 years to be seen

It always amused me that "schooling" was considered imperative to develop a child's brain

I recently learned that the Vice Chancellor of UCSF Dan Lowenstein MD resigned because of my influence he is a neurologist and specialist in epilepsy

"The Jew triumphs with lies and dies with the truth" Hans-Georg Otto ..... this is incredible so powerfully true

Repeat: the scamming and bullshit is all Ashkenazi and it is just appalling the USA has Ashkenazi science indeed neuroscience is mostly nonsense and pretense

The "Scientific Advisory Board" of the Epilepsy Foundation all resigned because of my influence and power they know I am right that epilepsy is not a disease or disorder

It is time to completely reform "scientific research" in the medical sciences and neuroscience I have no intention of letting things stay as they are most research is totally retarded and useless

It is astonishing how stupid WASP America was when they allowed millions of Jews to immigrate to the USA [1880-1920] the result is the USA is a criminal state no science no journalism

The sleep function develops the brain and during development the human brain requires a much higher number of hours in sleep function

If those hours in development are insufficient then there will be a risk of serious brain dysfunction certainly inefficient or poor cognition

In human brain development so much "downtime" is required that the play function augments the sleep function

There is little cognition in the developing brain so "instruction" or schooling is damaging to the brain because the play function is suppressed

Imbeciles and criminals run our society, Western society, but it is inevitable that knowledge and science will conquer the world

USA + Russia + China [Entente]: 1) Wall Street Surges [up 2x maybe even 3x] 2) Russia Reacquires Ukraine 3) China Reacquires Taiwan 4) Israel Destroyed [or Dismantled] 5) World GDP Surges [Annual Growth] to 10%-15%

Nov 10, 2024

The “liberal order” is in jeopardy because of Donald Trump's 2024 “landslide electoral victory,” argues Francis Fukuyama. I assume Fukuyama is Japanese, so I was laughing when I read this morning about his article, in Telegram. So I went to the Financial Times and read it, copied it, you'll see it published down below. The Financial Times is Jewish-controlled, so it is garbage, but I wanted to see what kind of garbage arguments they were promoting. Japanese – including “Japanese Americans” – have no idea what “republican government” is, they were barbaric and totally deranged until Americans showed up almost 200 years ago and forced them into the modern era, the modern Western era. Genetically the Japanese are unable to appreciate what Western civilization is. That's what I would argue here.

Japanese manufacture, yes they are obviously adept at that. This is what the Northeast Asians do with some considerable degree of aptitude, but they are oblivious of what Western civilization is. They will never be able to replicate Western civilization, the brilliance of Western civilization. What is going on in the United States of America? Why Trump? Answering these questions will be the purpose of this article.

500 years of economic development is ending. We had monarchs and then we dispensed with this despotic government. We dispensed with this type of governance mostly because the Western European realized that “family genetics rule” is stupid, that there had to be competition, indeed fierce competition, and so the best hominid brains would be able to express their power and aptitude. Much of the French “monarchy family” was exterminated.

The founders of the American Republic never intended for everyone to vote. This is just insane. Incompetent and ignorant hominids would create a “mob rule” if they were allowed to vote. It was also considered foolish to allow the female to vote. Most women are crazy. American leaders of the revolution and the war of independence wanted only accomplished men to vote – and to participate in republican government.

So Fukuyama is ridiculous, and I apologize for the language, he is talking out of his ass. What I do remember is reading his The End of History argument, published in The National Interest in the summer of 1989. I bought a copy that summer in Washington, DC. I was living in DC with my wife. It was the most childish and almost asinine argument I had read in a long time, and I was no longer a young man, I was 31 years old.

We're all going to make stuff and sell it to each other, globally, there will not be any more ideological struggles.” That was his thesis. It was so Jewish. It was pure garbage, I remember thinking. But the American Anglo elite gobbled it up, enthusiastically and without any real critique. I was horrified. I thought to myself, Americans, the elite here in DC, the nation's capital, are seriously retarded. This is really fucked up, I said to myself. I was not too surprised, if I'm honest. I knew America was doomed, even back then.

So fast forward to 2024. Donald Trump has been talking tariffs since the late 1980s. He is not a scholar, he's a businessman. Yes, he was given several hundred million $$$ – his father was a wealthy developer. OK, still Trump has built a real estate empire that is impressive, I will concede this. I do agree with Fukuyama about tariffs, but that is all I agree with. Otherwise Fukuyama is, as I said, “talking out of his ass.”

It is not really easy for me to do this work I do – no one can appreciate it, hardly anyone is intelligent, there are far too many ordinary hominid brains, somewhat intelligent but not nearly intelligent enough. So things will degenerate into violence, into war. Likely this will be the outcome. The low IQ human mammals will be killed, exterminated – in war.

It is not the outcome that is destined to happen, but it is what human history tells us. Western Europeans, the most intelligent hominids, the advanced human mammals, will prevail, easily prevail. Everyone else will perish, or be exterminated. I'm talking 7 billion human mammals. The hominids that clearly cannot do any real thinking, cannot do anything but religious chants – they are finished.

I am guessing that this will take place over the next 30 years or so. Could be longer, or even less than 30 years. I am just guessing, but it is a guess grounded in scientific knowledge. 

So we are looking at a massive and very powerful bottleneck.

The deranged and indeed criminal Ashkenazi Jews are of course going to be wiped out, but they are brilliantly providing the trigger for this awesome bottleneck. So what they are doing, their presence in the United States of America and Europe – where we know that Western civilization truly resides – is very convenient. We really have to thank them!

It is the human brain we are talking about. What is the most advanced human brain? Where are they present? I am confident that Americans and Russians and Chinese will get together, at some point. It is my initiative, of course. As the Jew World is destroyed, we will be liberated, and we'll be able to do what is rational and intelligent. There will not to be too many Han Chinese to deal with – they will have mostly perished – but this will be a good thing. China is horribly overpopulated. Indeed, the world is horribly overpopulated, particularly Asia and Africa.

What does Donald Trump think? I'm sure he agrees with me, I doubt he would even try to challenge me. He will defer to me.

So I am the world's paramount policymaker.

Xi Jinping is not going to challenge anything I say. Vladimir Putin will also not be challenging my arguments. Trump is still somewhat delusional, but he knows I am right, that I am likely to be right. Donald Trump is afraid the Jews will kill him, and he's right to be fearing that. But he will go along with me, nevertheless. He's a brave and bold man.

There is nothing anyone can do to change this trajectory, this is a very powerful advance of the human animal. It is genetic in origin. The inferior genetic material is going to be removed, after an insanely long and extremely impressive build out. The bottleneck is going to obliterate some 90% of the human genome. We'll see if I'm right. The march to higher and higher forms of life continues, and the hominids, the homo sapiens, are at the apex of this struggle. We are going to see a much more powerful and intelligent human mammal. 

Way down below I've published a photo of a bird, a male, that my oldest son [he's not a professional photographer but he would be considered one by professionals] took near our home in Bodega Bay. This beautiful bird is the outcome of evolution and bottlenecks. I would not guess how many bottlenecks, because it seems bottlecknecks are mostly a mammal thing but I just don't know. He is looking at my son. Amazing, isn't it?

The new and more advanced human mammal, the new and more advanced homo sapiens, will be extraordinary. So much more impressive than the current animal.